[Vietnamese] Phương pháp học nhanh gấp 3 lần qua 5 bước.

Bước 1: Thấy bức tranh toàn cảnh! Khi bạn đến 1 thành phố mới, luôn luôn là rất tốt nếu bạn có một cái bản đồ, và biết được những con đường...

Friday, May 26, 2017

Android Studio Shortcuts

Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA and for those new to this IDE, this refcard article will be of help.
Mastering a tool is important to become a more efficient developer. I'll see some very helpful keyboard shortcuts that can save a little bit of time and quite a bit of frustration. We need shortcuts to be on top. Following are most essential Android Studio shortcuts we need.

Navigation Shortcuts

Shortcut DescriptionAndroid Studio Shortcut
Go to classCtrl + N
Go to fileCtrl + Shift + N
Navigate open tabsALT + Left-Arrow; ALT + Right-Arrow
Lookup recent filesCTRL + E
Go to lineCTRL + G
Navigate to last edit locationCTRL + SHIFT + BACKSPACE
Go to declarationCTRL + B
Go to implementationCTRL + ALT + B
Go to sourceF4
Go to super ClassCTRL + U
Show Call hierarchyCtrl + Alt + H
Search in path/projectCTRL + SHIFT + F

Programming Shortcuts

Shortcut DescriptionAndroid Studio Shortcut
Reformat codeCTRL + ALT + L
Optimize importsCTRL + ALT + O
Code CompletionCTRL + SPACE
Issue quick fixALT + ENTER
Surround code blockCTRL + ALT + T
Rename and refactorShift + F6
Line Comment or UncommentCTRL + /
Block Comment or UncommentCTRL + SHIFT + /
Go to previous/next methodALT + UP/DOWN
Show parameters for methodCTRL + P
Quick documentation lookupCTRL + Q

General Shortcuts

Shortcut DescriptionAndroid Studio Shortcut
Delete lineCTRL + Y
Safe DeleteAlt + DELETE
Close Active TabCTRL + F4
Build and runSHIFT + F10
BuildCTRL + F9
All purpose (Meta)ShortcutCTRL + SHIFT + A